Women’s Mountain Mentorship Group

The Women’s Mountain Mentorship Group was restarted most recently in 2015 by anne drew potter. The group exists to address the underrepresentation of women in outdoor pursuits and the personal, social, cultural and other barriers that cause this reality. This is not a gender exclusive group, but we do create events that ensure women can access mentorship, partnership & learning in an environment where they are not the minority and can expect a supportive learning environment.  This group is informal and grass-roots, it requires active volunteer participation of leaders and participants. We hold a minimum of 2 socials per year up to one per month and we aim to run at least 1 outdoor event per month. Attending a social or posted trip is the best way to start participating in the group. Most events are peer led, and we offer opportunities to co-lead for those who are developing their leadership skills. Climbing trips are often crag-based (occasionally multi-pitch) and combine beginners, intermediates and leaders/coordinators to facilitate mentorship and build a community of climbing partners. We can also occasionally facilitate one-on-one mentor partnerships. We maintain a facebook page.

Some trips that have run annually for several years include a Beauty Creek Ice climbing weekend, a traditional climbing practice weekend (Cowbell Crag, Skaha), and WMMG events on the Sunday of Rock & Ice Review. We are looking for leaders to support more skiing, alpine, hiking & scrambling events! We do occasionally organize guide-led course days based on demand. To receive calendar notifications, you need to sign up for all disciplines you are interested in (on the calendar site > account tab > preferences heading > check all that apply). If you have ideas or needs not already being met by our section programs please reach out.


Breeze articles

“Women’s Mentor Group WHY?”   By Nathalie Drotar

“Women’s Climbing Mentorship Group”  By Nathalie Drotar

Key leaders in the WMMG

anne drew potter 

Julie Morter

Susan Twitchell

Nathalie Drotar

Elizabeth Dupuis

Lisa Hunka

Raymond Ho

Nubia Zepeda

Ashley Mitchell

Event Photos

Skaha Trad Weekend May, 2018


Beauty Creek Weekend January, 2018


Beauty Creek Weekend, January, 2018


Beauty Creek Weekend, January, 2018


Beauty Creek Weekend, January, 2018